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Blogs from July, 2022

kid with bandage on head

Brain-related injuries in children are likely to result in a range of damage to the skull, scalp, and brain comparable, but not entirely like the brain-related injuries commonly seen in adults. Contrary to what people may believe, children are not “small adults.” Their brains are still growing and developing; therefore, when a traumatic brain injury is sustained, it can be more life-altering than seen in adults. The long-term effects are also more severe because they can leave the child facing challenges when living, learning, and communicating.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the two age groups at most significant risk for brain injury are 0-4 and 15-19. Between the two groups, 62,000 children sustain some form of brain-related injuries that require hospitalization, typically resulting from motor vehicle crashes, sports injuries, physical abuse, falls, and more.

Signs and Symptoms of TBI in Children

Symptoms may be subtle or obvious depending on your child's injury. When suspecting your child is suffering from a traumatic brain injury, it is essential to be aware of signs associated with the injury. Some of these may include:

  • Getting lost or easily confused
  • Changes in eating
  • Loss of new skills (like potty training progress)
  • Differences in performance at school
  • Loss of balance or walking unsteadily
  • No longer interested in favorite activities or toys
  • Crankiness or irritability (constant crying, can't be consoled)
  • Tiredness or restlessness
  • Changes in the way they play
  • Slowness when thinking, speaking, reading, or writing
  • Increased sensitivity to light or sound

Causes of Brain-Related Injuries in Children

Children can experience TBI from several things. Some of the most common forms of injury that lead to traumatic brain injury in children include:


The most common cause of TBI in children. Usually seen when a child falls from one level to another, falls off their beds, or falls from the top of the stairs

Motor Vehicle Accidents

This is the second most common cause of traumatic brain injuries in children. Not just seen from vehicle collisions but also including motor vehicle occupants, bicyclists, and pedestrians.

Medical Malpractice

When doctors act carelessly when delivering babies, it can result in TBI. This can leave children with injuries such as paralysis of the face and other body muscles, lifelong disabilities, or braises and soft spots on their heads.

Preventing TBI in Children

Although traumatic brain injuries aren't fully avoidable, parents can decrease their child's brain-related injury by teaching and implementing safety rules. Enforce these practices during activities where the child's head can be easily injured. This includes when:

  • At home (constant falling when running or playing)
  • Crossing the street
  • Riding in cars (emphasizing the importance of buckling up)
  • On the playground
  • Riding their bikes or wheeled recreation equipment (scooters, skateboards, hoverboards, etc.)

What Can I Do If My Child Has Experienced Brain-Related Injuries?

If you suspect your child has a brain-related injury, it's important that your first priority is to seek medical attention. Since symptoms don't always show up immediately, the damage could be more severe than you think and need to be treated immediately to help prevent life-altering long-term effects. After your child has been seen by a medical professional, it may be beneficial to contact a lawyer to review the details of your case. If your child was injured due to someone else's negligence, you could be eligible for financial compensation. Working with a lawyer will ensure you understand all elements of your case and know the legal options you have to take.

Here at James Wood Law, we have the experience you need on your side when fighting your case. Our team of trusted attorneys is dedicated to getting you the justice you deserve. Let us be your voice.

Contact us today at (888) 579-3866 or visit us onlineto schedule your free consultation with a team member.